Article 132c Treatment of Off-Balance-Sheet Exposures to CIUs


Institutions shall calculate the risk-weighted exposure amount for their off-balance-sheet items with the potential to be converted into exposures in the form of units or shares in a CIU by multiplying the exposure values of those exposures calculated in accordance with Article 111, with the following risk weight:

  1. (a) for all exposures for which institutions use one of the approaches set out in Article 132a:

  1. where:
    1. RWi* = the risk weight;
    1. i = the index denoting the CIU:
    1. RWAEi = the amount calculated in accordance with Article 132a for a CIUi;
    1. Ei = the exposure value of the exposures of CIUi;
    2. Ai = the accounting value of assets of CIUi; and
    3. EQi = the accounting value of the equity of CIUi.
  2. (b) for all other exposures, RWi*=1,250%

[Note: Articles 133 to 151 remain in the CRR]