
Prescribed Responsibilities: Swiss General Insurers


This Chapter applies only to a Swiss general insurer in respect of the activities of the firm carried on from a branch in the UK.


Each of the responsibilities set out in this rule is a Swiss general insurer prescribed responsibility:

  1. (1) responsibility for management of the firm’s risk management processes in the UK (PR AA);
  2. (2) responsibility for the firm’s compliance with the UK regulatory system applicable to the firm (PR FF);
  3. (3) responsibility for the escalation of correspondence from the PRA, FCA and other regulators in respect of the firm to each of the governing body or the management body of the firm and, as appropriate, the firm’s parent undertaking and the ultimate parent undertaking of the firm’s group (PR EE); and
  4. (4) responsibility for management of the firm’s systems and controls in the UK (PR BB).