Bank and PRA expectations for firms and FMIs
Guidelines and Recommendations are not in scope of the Act, and from the end of the transition period HM Treasury has deleted the obligation to make every effort to comply with them.[1] However, the Bank and PRA expect firms and FMIs to continue to make every effort to comply existing EU Guidelines and Recommendations that are applicable as at the end of the transition period, to the extent that these remain relevant. The Bank and PRA do not expect firms and FMIs to comply with changes to existing Guidelines and Recommendations, and new Guidelines and Recommendations issued by EU authorities after the end of the transition period. The Bank and PRA will however consider their approach to such developments and other non-legislative EU material, and may issue further statements in relation to them.
- 1. ‘Regulations relating to the European Supervisory Authorities and the European Systemic Risk Board’, October 2018: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/regulations-relating-to-the-european-supervisory-authorities-and-the-european-systemic-risk-board/regulations-relating-to-the-european-supervisory-authorities-and-the-european-systemic-risk-board.
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Appendices 1 to 3 contain lists of Guidelines and Recommendations that were complied with in the UK before the end of the transition period. The Bank and PRA expect firms and FMIs to continue to comply with these Guidelines and Recommendations as they are at the end of the transition period, to the extent that they are addressed directly to firms and FMIs, and remain relevant.
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The lists in Appendices 1 to 3 are not exhaustive. For example, Guidelines and Recommendations that were made by the predecessor committees[2] to the ESAs are not included on this list but firms and FMIs should continue, where relevant, to comply with them, unless they have been revoked or superseded by later Guidelines and Recommendations, or by other legislation.
- 2. The Committees of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS), and European Securities Regulators (CESR).
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The UK authorities have previously communicated that they have submitted explanations relating to non-compliance or partial non-compliance with the Guidelines set out in Appendix 4. The Bank and the PRA do not expect firms and FMIs to comply with these Guidelines in line with the UK authorities’ explanation. Where the UK authorities have explained partial non-compliance, the Bank and PRA expect firms and FMIs to continue comply with these Guidelines in line with the UK authorities’ explanation, and to the extent they remain relevant after the end of the transition period.
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Where aspects of Guidelines and Recommendations are addressed to competent authorities, the Bank and PRA expect firms and FMIs to continue to comply with any associated rules or expectations produced by the Bank or PRA that implement those Guidelines and Recommendations.
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The Bank and PRA expects firms and FMIs to make every effort to continue to comply with EU Guidelines and Recommendations as they are applicable as at the end of the transition period, to the extent that these remain relevant. Changes to existing EU Guidelines and Recommendations, and new Guidelines and Recommendations issued by EU authorities after the end of the transition period will not automatically apply. The Bank and PRA therefore do not expect firms to comply with changes to existing Guidelines and Recommendations made by EU authorities after the end of the transition period. The Bank and PRA will consider their approach to such developments and other non-legislative EU material, and may issue further statements in relation to them.
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In order to aid firms and FMIs, the Bank and the PRA have republished copies of EU Guidelines and Recommendations applicable as at the end of the transition period, which firms and FMIs are expected to comply with to the extent they remain relevant. The Bank and PRA have not made amendments to the content of individual Guidelines and Recommendations ahead of the end of the transition period. Links to relevant EU Guidelines and Recommendations in place as at the end of the transition period can be found in the appendices of this SoP. The Bank and PRA acknowledge the following European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), as relevant, as the sources of these materials:
- (i) EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority;
- (ii) EBA - European Banking Authority;
- (iii) ESMA - European Securities and Markets Authority.
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The Bank and PRA refer users to the ESAs' legal notices on the following webpages:
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Some Guidelines and Recommendations may no longer be relevant for the purposes of this SoP after the end of the transition period. Examples include:
- where Guidelines and Recommendations relate to rights or obligations which are being revoked by HM Treasury, such as passporting, supervisory college processes and inter-EU authority cooperation processes;
- where Guidelines and Recommendations are based on an underlying regulatory requirement that has not formed part of retained EU law at the end of the transition period;
- where they concern an area within an EU Directive where Member State authorities are given the discretion to decide how or whether to implement a requirement, and that discretion has been exercised at UK level; and
- where, in the future, the Bank and/or PRA confirms that specific Guidelines or Recommendations no longer need to be complied with in the UK, or that they have been fully, or in part, integrated into a separate UK policy.
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Where the Bank and/or PRA have confirmed through other policy statements that specific Guidelines or Recommendations are no longer relevant and no longer need to be complied with in the UK, these are shown as struck through in the relevant Appendix.
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