This supervisory statement is addressed to all UK firms within the scope of Solvency II, and to Lloyd’s, in relation to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority’s (EIOPA’s) Set 1 Solvency II Guidelines[1] (‘the Guidelines’) published on 2 February 2015.
- 1. EIOPA Set 1 of Solvency II Guidelines: https://www.eiopa.europa.eu/consultations/first-set-guidelines-solvency-ii_en
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- 2. PRA’s approach to insurance supervision: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/-/media/boe/files/prudential-regulation/approach/insurance-approach-2014.pdf
- 3. Section 3B of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA): www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/8/pdfs/ukpga_20000008_en.pdf.
- 4. Legislative and Regulatory Act 2006: www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/51/contents.
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This statement has been subject to public consultation[5] and reflects the feedback that was received by the PRA. It sets out the PRA’s expectation that all firms comply with the EIOPA Set 1 Guidelines. It also provides further commentary on certain Guidelines where additional considerations, largely set out in previous PRA supervisory statements, should be taken into account by firms.
- 5. PRA Consultation Paper CP5/15, ‘Solvency II: applying EIOPA’s Set 1 Guidelines to PRA-authorised firms’, February 2015; www.bankofengland.co.uk/pra/Documents/publications/cp/2015/cp515.pdf.
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